
Configure it

Fast Setup Summary

imap setup
host     :
port     : 993
username : 'ipgp login : ex : toto'
security : SSL/TLS
password : normal password
Local Dir : choose a local dir that is not backup : ex : /localstorage/login/MyLocalCopyImap-IPGP
smtp setup
host     :
port     : 465
username : 'ipgp login : ex : toto'
security : SSL/TLS
password : normal password

Screenshot Setup

  • passer cette etape et utiliser mon adresse existante

changer les paramettres comme ci-dessus : * imap : 993 SSL/TLS * smpt : 465 SSL/TLS

Puis Terminer.

  • modification des parametres par default :

ici tres important changer le repertoire local par un repertoire de votre disque /localstorage.

Advanced setup needed

Inside IPGP we encounter trouble with tls or https or ssl web services or mail when using Firefox or/and Thunderbird.

To solve that you have to change features in the advanced configuration.

For Firefox type : about:config
For Thunderbird : settings -> General -> Config Editor (at the bottom).

Then you can search and define to ‘true’:
- tls.version.enable-depreciated

Change to false :
- security.tls.enable_0rtt_data - network.http.http3.enable_0rtt

Change to 1 the value of :
- security.tls.version.min