transfert file from to sismologie

  • my laptop name is laptop (remote computer I use from outside)
  • my sismologie computer name is sismocomp (remote computer I use from outside)
  • my local login is localuser
  • my sismo login is sismouser

scp push pull to your home of sismologie computer (from outside)

scp pull a file from sismologie from your home directory

localuser@laptop:~$ scp -P 11237 sismouser@ /tmp/
sismouser@'s password: 
toto                       100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

scp push a file to sismologie to your home directory

localuser@laptop:~$ scp -P 11237 /tmp/toto sismouser@
sismouser@'s password: 
toto                       100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

rsync through firewall to your home directory

localuser@laptop:~/.ssh$ rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 11237' sismouser@ /tmp/
sismouser@'s password: 
receiving file list ... done

sent 26 bytes  received 85 bytes  31.71 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

scp push pull to /localstorage of sismologie computer with ssh Proxy Jump (from outside)

you will need to use proxy jump : -J

$ scp -J -P 11237 mamachineensismo:/localstorage/monlogin/monfichiertoto .

note : ne pas oublier de changer : mamachineensismo et monlogin

scp pull a file from to your /localstorage of your computer in sismologie

localuser@laptop:~$ scp -J -P 11237 mamachineensismo:/localstorage/monlogin/toto .
sismouser@'s password: 
sismouser@mamachineensismo.sismo's password: 
toto                       100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

scp push a file to your /localstorage of your computer in sismologie

localuser@laptop:~$ scp -J -P 11237 toto mamachineensismo:/localstorage/monlogin/
sismouser@'s password: 
sismouser@mamachineensismo.sismo's password: 
toto                       100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00


rsync through firewall with sshuttle in your /localstorage in sismologie

In this exemple I pull from /localstorage of sismocomputer to /tmp of my laptop.

note :
you have to change sismouser with your sismologie login,
you have to change sismocomputer with your sismologie computer*

In first connect to firewall, then launch sshuttle :

localuser@laptop:~$ login -u sismouser
...login to FW IPGP :
Starting Java applet...
now you can launch sshuttle : 
sismologie usage :
sshuttle --dns -r login-sismologie@ 0/1
localuser@laptop:~$ sshuttle --dns -r sismouser@ 0/1
[local sudo] Password: 
sismouser@'s password: 
client: Connected.

Then go to your local destination folder if you wanted to pull something from sismologie.

In an other terminal launch your rsync.

localuser@laptop:~$ cd /tmp
localuser@laptop:/tmp$ rsync -avz .'s password: 
receiving incremental file list

sent 27 bytes  received 371 bytes  113.71 bytes/sec
total size is 2,315,387  speedup is 5,817.56

rsync through firewall with ProxyCommand in your home directory in sismologie

note : you have to configure your ~/.ssh/config see : ssh ProxyCommand

localuser@laptop:~$ rsync -avz sismouser@sismocomp.sismo:~/riri /tmp/
sismouser@'s password: 
sismouser@sismocomp.sismo's password: 
receiving incremental file list

sent 28 bytes  received 67 bytes  14.62 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

rsync through firewall with ProxyCommand in your /localstorage in sismologie

localuser@laptop:/tmp$ rsync -avz sismouser@sismocomputer.sismo:/localstorage/localuser/Cloud-CNRS .
sismouser@'s password: 
localuser@sismocomputer.sismo's password: 
receiving incremental file list

sent 27 bytes  received 371 bytes  53.07 bytes/sec
total size is 2,315,387  speedup is 5,817.56