Computer Programs in Seismology : EQCSoftware

Actual release 3.30 dated Janv, 2018.

Obtain Computer Programs in Seismology 3.30

You can find more information here : Saint Louis University Earthquake Center

On Seismologie computers

In order to use the programs you must change the PATH environment parameter.

If you use bash. Add the following lines after the last reference to PATH in your .bashrc file.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/EQCSoftware/PROGRAMS.330/bin

Check with :

$ echo $PATH

You should now see “PROGRAMS.330/bin” in the PATH listing.
As an added check, you can ask the system to find a program, as in :

$ which calxvig

Installation on your personnal laptop (Ubuntu)

Download Unix/Linux version …

$ wget

Then install theses packages :

$ sudo apt-get install gfortran libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev gawk gv graphicsmagick
$ sudo apt-get install xorg-dev

Launch installer :

$ tar -zxvf NP330.Jan-05-2018.tgz
$ cd PROGRAMS.330/
$ ./Setup
$ ./Setup LINUX6440
$ ./C
Compile of Computer Programs in Seismology is Over
147 programs were compiled